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I want to thank Erin McCarthy for the phone chats and frequent pep talks. Julie Cohen for more phone chats and pep talks.

Paul Wilson for the “daily damage reports. Thanks to Carmen Ross Weed for being a great and supportive friend. Jo finished draining the fettuccine and glanced over at her friends.

Maggie leaned against the kitchen counter, waiting for an answer to her question.

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Erika sat at the small bistro-style table, concern drawing her finely arched brows together. Clearly she was waiting, too. Jo smiled, knowing she probably appeared a little tired.

It’s just pasta, not a five-course meal.

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Why wouldn’t I feel up to making my friends dinner to celebrate my new place and my new job? And you’ve looked a little…pale recently,” Maggie said.

Jo supposed the reflection that greeted her in the mirror these days was pale, drawn, and fatigued. But she’d made a huge move, found an apartment, and started a new job in the course of a month.

And being with you two again, of course. She gave the pasta a final shake, then dumped it into a pasta bowl. She turned to the simmering pot of white wine clam sauce, trying to ignore the wave of nausea as the garlicky scent wafted up to her in a billowing cloud of steam.

She hadn’t been feeling well, and she knew that fact was evident on her face. But she would be fine. That had been her mantra now for the past couple months.

And it would be true.

I’m not sure,” Maggie said, then considered Jo and her situation. Sexy Dresses for Women, Mini Club Dresses different sizes She wondered why her friends seemed so reluctant to say that.

She just needed to get her life back in order. She liked order. She busied herself with pouring the creamy sauce over the pasta, then returned to the oven to take out the garlic bread, which, again, did nothing to steady her queasy stomach.

Maggie’s forced smile still didn’t convince Jo, but she accepted the praise and sat down.

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Erika chose a piece of bread, while Maggie took two small helpings of the pasta. They looked at each other as they did so. Not for the first time since moving down to New Orleans, Jo felt as if her two friends were sharing some private, wordless communication.

Maggie took a bite of the food, actually more like a nibble. Erika’s lips were pressed together as if she was suppressing a chuckle.

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Jo glanced back and forth between her friends, again feeling as if she’d been excluded from an inside joke. When she moved here, she’d expected her relationship with her longtime friends to be as it had always been.

But it had changed. Jo supposed it was natural for Maggie and Erika to have a special bond now that they were married to brothers.

But sometimes, like now, Jo felt as if Maggie and Erika shared something more, something private. Jo supposed she couldn’t say much about that.

After all, it wasn’t as if she wasn’t hiding something from them as well. She pushed that thought away, focusing on scooping up her own portion of the meal.

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She needed to think about first things first—wasn’t that what her grandmother had always said? And her grandmother had been a wise woman, a woman Jo had always trusted, loved, and admired.

First things first.

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And Jo suspected she was being oversensitive about her friends anyway—another side effect of her big move and exhaustion. She just wanted to get her life back in order.

She seemed to be a font of mantras and mottos at the moment. And she was very pleased to be back with her friends.

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She’d been close to Maggie and Erika since freshmen year in college, and they’d always been like sisters. Adopted sisters who’d become so important to her.

And given how smitten her friends were with their new spouses, she felt certain this would be a topic the two women couldn’t help but discuss.

The two new hubbies and their Bourbon Street band, the Impalers. Dave is talking about leaving.

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Erika nodded, setting her bread aside and picking up her fork. And I’m enjoying it, too. I have a hot, sexy musician husband—but mostly it gives me time to work on my art.

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She’d not stopped since moving out of her apartment in D. It’s like a dream,” Maggie’s smile was dreamy.

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Jo smiled, forcing herself to take a bite of the pasta, the clam sauce slimy on her tongue, the fettuccine turning to paste against the roof of her mouth.

There really wasn’t any way to tell how one event could change the course of your life, Jo thought, but she was working very hard to get her life back in control.

No more surprises for her.

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Jo smiled, immediately knowing what her friend was really angling at. Ann Community Center a big step down from Potomac Prep? Maggie set down her fork and reached out to capture Jo’s fingers, squeezing them.

Jo stared at their joined hands. This was the moment to tell them. To admit what had her running from Washington, D. The words wouldn’t come.

Almost as if once she admitted it, it would be true.

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All true. She set down her fork, and pushed the plate away from herself.

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Clearly no one at the table had an appetite. Her first dinner party in her new place, and it was less than a success. So much for just having a normal evening with her two best friends.

She hesitated still, trying to get the words to come, but they didn’t. Instead she forced a smile. Erika moved her plate aside, too, and shifted so she could join her hand to Jo and Maggie’s.

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They stayed like that, her friends’ fingers cool against her skin. A calming coolness that suppressed the nausea that seemed to be just at the back of her throat at all times.

Their kind, caring touch didn’t hold back the tears that threatened to spill over at having them here. She pulled her hand away to sniff and grab her napkin, using the paper to wipe her eyes.

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Both Maggie and Erika gave her sympathetic smiles that didn’t really help the emotional overload. Jo swiped at her eyes again and swallowed back more tears.

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Loud rock and roll and other people seemed like just the thing. You feel up to it? She glanced at Erika, seeing the same worry creasing her pale brow.

Almost as if they sensed a problem. Maksim Kostova knew all about Hell.

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After all, he’d been a resident of the place for all of his existence. The eighth circle to be exact.

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But the real Hell had nothing on this bar on the corner of Bourbon and Toulouse. Sweat clung to his skin and the all-too-familiar strains of a Kansas song pounded around him, making his head ache.

She saw how close the other detective’s face was to her. Neon lime lace insert high leg cupped body yogurt A second stream of piss started splashing off the side of Megan’s face. He had the same air about him as Jackson.

He mindlessly plucked a plastic cup from the tower of them and headed to the beer tap. If this place, or rather the man currently playing keyboards on the stage across the room, wasn’t the only link he had left to his missing sister, Maksim wouldn’t be here.

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But he was starting to lose hope. Every night, he waited, expecting that Vittorio, or someone affiliated with Vittorio, would give him another hint, or maybe even the answer to what happened to Ellina.

So far, that hadn’t been the case. Vittorio knew nothing. Maksim was confident about that.