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The weapons of the Fijians are spears, slings, throwing clubs and bows and arrows. It is also to be noticed that the space between the two bows is considerably darker than the rest of the sky.

Snellius to calculate the radii of the bowsand his theoretical angles were in agreement with those observed. The skirt is black, while the waist is mostly yellow, trimmed with delicate lavender chiffon, and black velvet bows and lace.

Bows are made of it by the union of two pieces with many bands; and, the septa being bored out and the lengths joined together, it is employed, as we use leaden pipes, in transmitting water to reservoirs or gardens.

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The rebels now handled their bows in a menacing fashion, but at the critical moment the young king with great presence of mind and courage spurred his horse into the open, crying, “Sirs, will you shoot your king?

In addition to these prominent features, there are sometimes to be seen a number of coloured bands, situated at or near the summits of the bowsclose to the inner edge of the primary and the outer edge of the secondary bow; these are known as the spurious, supernumerary or complementary rain bows.

The third and fourth bows are situated between the observer and the sun, and hence, to be viewed, the observer must face the sun.

The ” Monmouth,” badly down by the bows and listing to port, turned N.

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The man stepped out and those piercing blue eyes questioned her silently from under furrowed bows. He heard the distant movement as attackers neared, the adjustment of the men’s emplacement, even the loading of arrows and stretching of bows.

Her long curly blond hair had been pulled up in pig tails and tied with huge bows. Pottery, common to Malays and Papuans, the bows and arrows of the latter, and the elaborate canoes of all three races, are unknown to the Australians.

But the illumination of the bow is so weakened by the repeated reflections, and the light of the sun is generally so bright, that these bows are rarely, if ever, observed except in artificial rain bows.

The same remarks apply to the fifth bow, which differs from the third and fourth in being situated in the same part of the sky as the primary and secondary bowsbeing just above the secondary.

The most conspicuous colour band of the principal bows is the red; the other colours shading off into one another, generally with considerable blurring.

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We have now to consider the so-called spurious bows which are sometimes seen at the inner edge of the primary and at the outer edge of the secondary bow.

This was first suggested by Thomas Young, who showed that the rays producing the bows consisted of two systems, which, although emerging in parallel directions, traversed different paths in the drop.

Destructive interference between these superposed rays will therefore occur, and, instead of a continuous maximum illumination in the direction of minimum deviation, we should expect to find alternations of brightness and darkness.

The spurious bows he showed to consist of a series of dark and bright bands, whose distances from the principal bows vary with the diameters of the raindrops.

The smaller the drops, the greater the distance; hence it is that the spurious bows are generally only observed near the summits of the bowswhere the drops are smaller than at any lower altitude.

Primary, secondary and spurious bows were formed, and their radii measured; a comparison of these observations exhibited agreement with Airy’s analytical values.

The colours are much fainter, and according to Aristotle, who claims to be the first observer of this phenomenon, the lunar bows are only seen when the moon is full.

The town militia has the privilege of being armed with bows and cross bows. The archers shot well and with strong bowsthough their arrows were generally tipped only with stone or bone; their shields or targets, mostly round, were of ordinary barbaric forms; the spears or javelins had heads of obsidian or bronze, and were sometimes hurled with a spear-thrower or atlatl, of which pictures and specimens still exist, showing it to be similar in principle to those used by the Australians and Eskimo.

Bows and arrows were certainly in use for sporting purposes, but there is no reason for believing that they were much used in warfare before the Danish invasions.

In the nautical sense of the projection or slope of a ship’s bows or stern or the inclination of a mast, the word is apparently an adaptation of the Scandinavian raka, to reach, in the sense of reach forward.

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The hawser just held long enough to swing her bows round, and she got clear. Realizing the inefficiency of their old missiles when opposed to musket balls, they laid aside their bowsand armed themselves with spears, swords or other weapons fitted for close combat.

Olaf lashed his ships side to side, his own – the “Long Serpent,” the finest-war-vessel as yet built in the north – being in the middle of the line, where her bows projected beyond the others.

The advantage of this arrangement was that it left all hands free to fight, a barrier could be formed with the oars and yards, and the enemy’s chance of making use of his superior numbers to attack on both sides would be, as far as possible, limited – a great point when all fighting was with the sword, or with such feeble missile weapons as bows and javelins.

His vessel, the “Iron Ram,” was “bearded,” that is to say, strengthened across the bows by bands of iron, and he forced her between the last and last but one of Olaf’s line.

They were armed in separate companies with bows and arrows, spears, daggers and shields, and the officers carried battle-axes and maces.

In the desert hunting was carried on by hunters with bows and arrows, dogs and nets to check the game. Spears of iron-wood, abundantly barbed, and small bows and bamboo arrows free from poison are their principal weapons.

They also make wooden gongs, or drums. They used to make wooden fishhooks, clubs, spears and bows. It is further said that in some cases at least the English vessels were “bearded,” that is to say, strengthened by iron bands across the bows for ramming, and that they sank many of the French.

So too when the reflection is made that scepticism is after all a medicine that purges out itself with the disease, the disciple of Pyrrho and Aenesidemus bows and says, Precisely!

The two diagrams are portions of reciprocal figures, so that Bows notation is applicable.

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In winter, however, the Parthians were powerless to wage war, as the moisture of the atmosphere relaxed their bows. They are armed with bows and arrows, but depend almost entirely in battle on the charges of their mounted spearmen.

They are mostly gregarious, and the agility and grace of their movements in the water are themes of admiration to the spectators when a “school of porpoises” is playing round the bows of a vessel at sea.

This visit had the effect of causing Ito to turn his attention seriously to the study of the British and of other military systems.

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As a result he persuaded Choshu to remodel his army, and to exchange the bows and arrows of his men for guns and rifles. Finding it impossible to make himself fairly heard in the matter, Corneille who had retired from his position among the “five poets” withdrew to Rouen and passed nearly three years in quiet there, perhaps revolving the opinions afterwards expressed in his three Discours and in the Examens of his plays, where he bowssomewhat as in the house of Rimmon, to “the rules.

Thus we hear of abbots going out to sport, with their men carrying bows and arrows; keeping horses, dogs and huntsmen; and special mention is made of an abbot of Leicester, c.

They are a shy, harmless, simple folk, living chiefly by hunting; they lime birds, catch fish by poisoning the water, and are skilled in getting wild honey; they have bows with iron-pointed arrows and breed hunting dogs.

The mob strung their bowsand were about to shoot down the king and his suite. It must be remembered that a baron of was not strong merely by reason of the spears and bows of his household and his tenantry, like a baron of the I3th century.

It is also used for preparing shoemaker’s wax, as a flux for soldering metals, for pitching lager beer casks, for rosining the bows of musical instruments and numerous minor purposes.

It may be interesting to mention that Lapps, armed with bows and arrows, were attached to certain regiments of Gustavus Adolphus in Germany during the Thirty Years’ War.

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Their catechumens put them off with the answer that the drawn bows of the heavenly bodies gave them their round appearance. The Red Men accounted to the Jesuits for the spherical forms of sun and moon by saying that their appearance was caused by their bended bows.

Its main features may be summed as follows: – a purely agricultural life, with the plantain, yam and manioc the last two of American origin as the staple food; cannibalism common; rectangular houses with ridged roofs; scar-tattooing; clothing of bark-cloth or palm-fibre; occasional chipping or extraction of upper incisors; bows with strings of cane, as the principal weapons, shields of wood or wickerwork; religion, a primitive form of fetishism with the belief that death is due to witchcraft; ordeals, secret societies, the use of masks and anthropomorphic figures, and wooden gongs.

These are distinguished by circular huts with domed or conical roofs; clothing of skin or leather; occasional chipping or extraction of lower incisors; spears as the principal weapons, bowswhere found, with a sinew cord, shields of hide or leather; religion, ancestor-worship with belief in the power of the magicians as rain-makers.

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He’s not someone who bows to others, and a blood-bond is pretty serious, considering you were already mates. The packed auditorium, filled with people of all ages, called the cast back for three bows at the end with rigorous applause.

Steve rolls his hips, his lips parting for his mouth to hang open, and Bucky squeezes his throat. Black harness strap flock mesh animal bra outfit Strip and get on your knees.

She was thrown bodily into the air and landed on her back against the buoyancy tube in the bows of the boat. There is a range of bows to suit, both right and left handed, traditional recurve long bows and modern compound bows.

We then wrap such gifts with clear, crisp cellophane and use ribbons, bowsetc.

05.03.2020 – Sarah picked up the stack of woolen clothing meant for Burt, and handed it to him, saying, “Go into the bedroom and put them on, and hurry back, you have delayed the fashion show. She responded immediately, reinforcing my hope, and belief, that all the wooly play, which we had been engaged in all day, was very sexually exciting to HER, as well as myself. He looks around, then sees the arms locked around his waist. Bows , ruffles, and layers are also popular with masquerade design prom dresses.

We swam over several hold coamings, before moving up to the distinctive bows. Guitar bows and pigeon coos and where is the lowest level of fondness and longing and sorrow in a house?

The two larger figures had hand bows and the four smaller ones had cross bows. Bookmark This Page School disco fancy dress costumes Her dress and bag are decorated with cream satin bows and she has a pink rosebud and satin bow in her hair.

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The costumes had a few more sequins added and even bigger bows so that they stood out in the huge arena. The black pair are made from velvet and have a patent leather toecap and fasten with black silk bows.

CL components BT thwart foresail A usually triangular sail, fitted at or near the bows of a vessel. He regards the Australians as representing the lowest and most primitive examples of this primitive Caucasic type, and he urges that they must have arrived in Australia at a time when their ancestors had no pottery, knew no agriculture, domesticated no animals, had no houses and used no bows and arrows.

The bows assume the form of concentric circular arcs, having their common centre on the line joining the eye of the observer to the sun.

They pray inwardly at all times; on fixed days they assemble for prayer-meetings, at which they greet each other fraternally with low bowsthereby acknowledging every man as a bearer of the Divine Spirit.

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The chariot was drawn on this occasion by the Cowardly Lion and the Hungry Tiger, who were decorated with immense pink and blue bows.

They kissed everyone, the tutors and governesses made their bowsand they went out. They arrived in smallish outboard motor-driven boats with rakish bowscalled pirogues, 4 men to a boat.

We know this from the three widely spaced colored supernumerary bows. Ribbons and Bows Basket-Choose a beautiful basket, and decorate it with an assortment of ribbons and bows that can be used in baby’s hair as she grows.

Fill each of the bottles with lotion, and decorate the bottles with acrylic paint or ribbons and bows. Then, add ribbons, balloons, confetti, bowsflowers, and small plastic baby toys to accessorize.

For some parents, finding baby girl hair bows begins during pregnancy.

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You’ve probably dreamed about dressing your daughter in dainty outfits with socks, shoes, and bows to match. You can embellish the headband by adding bowsribbons, or whatever else you choose.

Other hair bows for baby girls include the more traditional bows that can be fastened to baby’s hair with elastic bands, barrettes, and even Velcro.

Burt and I momentarily froze when we heard the two women ask if we were ready for the fashion show to begin. Black harness strap flock mesh animal bra outfit I convinced myself that I would tune myself in to her, moving my body parts to join her flow. Do I have to tell you again?

Again, you can make your own bows and glue or attach the bows to the barrette, Velcro, or band by using hot glue or thread.

For more detailed instructions on how to create a hair bows for baby girls, click here. A new baby girl is tiny and sweet; bring bows for her hair or pink socks for her feet.

Pin or tape small baby items like pacifiers and rattles, or festive bows or balloons, to the cake and add some curling ribbon to add color. Giant plastic bottles: Large plastic baby bottles which may double as a bank can be filled with socks, hair bowsheadbands, washcloths and more.

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Some ideas for creating invitations include using stamps and cutouts, using special paper for example handmade, recycled paperor adding three-dimensional elements, such as satin bows.

Your gift need not be presented in an actual basket; instead, you can take a cardboard box and cover it in festive paper and bowsor for a really unique look, use diaper packages glued onto the box.

That pair of patent leather pumps that looks so attractive with the little bows may turn out to be a nightmare to wear – always judge the shoes from their fit and not their appearance.

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This site offers everything you need to keep your business stocked, including items such as wicker baskets, cellophane, gift basket shred and ribbons and bows.

Add bows in winter colors to wreaths you already have, or tie bows around candle bases. You can use silver and gold bulbs and bowswith white Christmas lights to pull it all together.

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To complete your look, red and gold bows can be scattered around the tree, along with strings of red and gold garland. Small tartan bows also make great additions to these kinds of trees.

Add a hat rack and hang a collection of straw brimmed hats with various colorful bands, bows and veils.